Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Watch her

This is a quick poem:

Watch her, as she fades
from second to third in the perspective
walking, quickly, silently away

she used to live in every object
her mere touch giving life to the tedium
coloring the world around us both

Her breath rang out like a bell
a soft exclamation, a joyous sound
that echos still in the silent walls

Watch her, as she fades
the pictures of us or her removed and hidden
like some unwanted deformity

our lives were fully intertwined
but now there is only the memories
the stench of her on all my things

and yet, despite the absense
all I can see in the darkness is her form
gentle and sleeping in our bed

Watch her, as she fades
out of my journals, my notebooks,
out of my fucked-up poetic life

I romanced her with words, words, words
a thousand lines to her beauty and strength
written for her enjoyment, and her alone

once, I wrote these poems to her
now, silent and brooding, I still write
but only about her...

The one who walked away


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